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Stamped Film Festival accepts films of any genre that are about and/or of interest of LGBTQ+ people. Entry constitutes an agreement to our Entry Guidelines and Terms and Conditions.


Films can be any length but our audiences have repeatedly shown they prefer shorter films, 45 minutes and less. If you have a shorter cut of your film, please submit the shorter version and let us know there is an extended version by emailing us at submissions@stampedfilmfestival. If you do not submit a shorter version, and we feel that your film is a good fit for the festival but feel our audiences may prefer a shorter cut, we may contact you to request edits.


  • All films submitted must be in English dialogue or contain on-screen English subtitles. The festival reserves the right to disqualify any film that does not meet this requirement.

  • It is the sole responsibility of the Applicant to obtain all necessary copyrights. By submitting the film you maintain you have obtained all the necessary rights for the exhibition.

  • All submissions are final. No refunds are provided.

  • Films selected by the Festival will need to provide a high-resolution digital file for the film as soon as possible after being notified. The file type should preferably be MP4; but AVI or MOV is acceptable.

  • By submitting your work to STAMPED, you grant to STAMPED a non-exclusive license to use an excerpt of your submission of up to two minutes in length, for promotional purposes only if selected. Providing a press kit as soon as possible is encouraged. Press materials will be required upon notification of acceptance.


Press kit should include:

  • Digital photo stills in JPEG

  • A trailer, less than 2 minutes, in MP4, MOV, or AVI format

  • Artwork

  • Director Biography

  • Cast and Crew List

  • Reviews


Submission to the Pensacola LGBTQ Film Festival (‘STAMPED’) constitutes an agreement with all festival terms and conditions, and permission to exhibit the work during the festival season if selected. Entrants warrant that they have the legal right to submit the work to STAMPED, that all statements made in this application are true and accurate, and that all necessary rights and clearances have been secured to screen the work at the festival.


Entrants also grant STAMPED a non-exclusive, royalty-free right to display the Film at the Film Festival and use the Film to promote the Film Festival, and will indemnify and hold harmless STAMPED, its judges, sponsors, and partners, individually and collectively, from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses including legal expenses arising out of or in connection with any and all claims, or third party claims based on material submitted to STAMPED. STAMPED defines a festival season as the time between when submissions are accepted for that season and the final event, a multi-day film screening typically held annually between August and October. Films submitted and selected by STAMPED may be shown at one or multiple STAMPED events throughout the season in which they are submitted.


Films shown at any STAMPED event throughout a season will be eligible for that season’s awards. STAMPED reserves the right to determine the final eligibility of any work submitted. Work accepted to screen at the festival may be categorized in competitive and non-competitive categories at the sole discretion of STAMPED. STAMPED reserves the right to not show any films submitted for a particular awards category if the festival deems that the submissions are not appropriate for the festival for any reason. Should the festival not show any films in a particular category, no award will be issued for that category in that season.


The Festival assumes no responsibility in the event that technical difficulties prevent the screening of an accepted film. Stamped may use any process for determining the winners of the season’s awards.

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